Devachan Experience

Hey Dreamers!

Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to get my hair done at the curly girl haven, DevaChan. I had a wave of emotions as I walked through the salon doors. Having done tons of research on DevaChan from the method to the products I was definitely starstruck to finally be getting a cut, but a bit apprehensive about scissors near my hair. Before I go on any further I’ll show you guys my before and after pictures (Never thought I would be posting barefaced, crazy haired pics of myself on the internet)


before devacutbefore and after devacut


devachan cut on natural hairafter my devacut


  1. I was told to arrive with freshly washed, virgin hair. This means my hair had NO product in it, not even any oil. This was so they could see my hair in its natural state and give me a proper consultation.
  2. Next was the cut. My hair was cut in it’s “natural” state. Honestly, this made me VERY nervous. The way I showed up is NOT how I wear my hair, so to cut it like that made NO sense to me. In my opinion my hair should have been in a style or curl pattern that I normally wear so they could get a true measurement of where and how to cut.
  3. After the cut came the color. The color actually came out great. It was a very subtle change in what I already have going on, but I’m thrilled with it.
  4. After the color was washing and styling. This was actually my favorite part of the day. First my hair was rinsed with warm water, and then with cooler water. My stylist then used the DevaCurl No-Poo to wash my hair. She did 2 cycles of washing and was VERY thorough. She made sure to scrub my scalp to loosen up any dirt and/or buildup. I loved the No-poo, it gave me this tingly clean feeling.
  5. After washing came the conditioning. Aside from the color, this took the longest. Because I use products that contain silicones they really had to rub my hair down with conditioner to strip it of all the harsh products I have been using. It took 2 stylist to go through my entire head a few times. They took my hair basically strand-by-strand and rubbed each section vigorously with DevaCurl One Condition and DevaCurl Heaven In Hair until my hair was silky smooth. I have never in my life seen my hair SO silky and my curls to defined.
  6. After rinsing out some of the conditioners (a lot of it was left in because my hair was so dry) They put some DevaCurl Styling Cream (which smells AMAZING) on my hair and had me flip my head upside down. My stylist then began to scrunch my curls upwards for a few minutes.
  7. Me and my soaking wet, product drenched hair went and sat under a dryer for about an hour.
  8. Once drying was done my stylist shook my curls loose and spritzed me with DevaCurl Shine Spray and I was good to go.

The entire process took about 7 hours total.


  • Everyone at the DevaChan salon was VERY knowledgeable about all types of curl hair. I felt like my hair was in good hands.
  • I learned so much information about my hair and what not to do. It was definitely an educational experience.
  • My curls are REALLY defined, and my hair feels like silk
  • They sent me home with a DevaCurl Trial & Travel kit so I can attempt to recreate the magic on my own. (I promise to blog about my at home experience)



  • After going to the salon I feel like all of the before and after pictures I see are deceptive. I mean, yes.. that is an actual picture of my hair before my DevaCut. However, that is my NAKED hair. Meaning, no product, and no curl defining techniques. My after picture is after loads of product and after a stylist working their magic. I feel like they should post pictures of a clients hair on a day-to-day basis and then after a DevaCut
  • While my curls are very defined, my hair is also VERY small now. You guys know me and you know I LOVE big, wild hair…and this is just  a bit too tamed for me. I’m currently on second day hair and it’s still a bit tame.
  • Their products and services are a bit pricey (But I think it’s well worth it)

Would I do it again? Of course. Would I do it often? Not at all. I loved the experience but I honestly hate spending long periods of time in a salon. After my experience I do feel more knowledgable about my hair and I’m ready to start implementing the things I learned to get healthier curls.

If you guys have any questions, concerns, or want to share your own Deva experience please comment below.

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