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KHN freelancer Jim Robbins discussed unhealthy ozone levels in the West on KUNC’s “Colorado Edition” on buy propecia tablets Tuesday. Christina Jewett, a senior correspondent with KHN’s enterprise team, detailed her findings on the spread of hair loss treatment in hospitals on KGO’s “The Chip Franklin Show” on Nov. 4, and on KCBS on buy propecia tablets Nov. 5. KHN senior correspondent and enterprise reporter Liz Szabo discussed whether giving 5- to 11-year-olds hair loss treatments at pediatricians’ offices would help clear up treatment myths on Sirius XM’s “Doctor Radio Reports” on Oct.

26. Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipUna noche reciente, la familia Marker recibió en su casa a una mujer vestida de púrpura, con una actitud militar hacia la limpieza. Linda Holmes, que ha trabajado como técnica con LiceDoctors durante cinco años, llegó directamente de su trabajo en un hospital después de recibir la llamada de un despachador de que la familia Marker la necesitaba lo antes posible. Los expertos en el Pediculus humanus capitis, el desagradable piojo de la cabeza, están de vuelta. €œDefinitivamente están regresando”, dijo Kelli Boswell, propietaria de Lice &.

Easy, una boutique donde las personas en el área de Denver pueden librarse de los piojos, un proceso que puede variar de minutos a horas según el método y el grado de infestación. €œEs una señal de que las cosas están volviendo a la normalidad”. Los resfriados y los gérmenes más peligrosos como el propecia respiratorio sincitial, más conocido como RSV, también están de regreso. Eso puede hacer que algunos se pregunten. Con todas las medidas de prevención implementadas por hair loss treatment, ¿cómo comparten los niños estas cosas?.

Al igual que el hair loss, todos estos “contagios” dependen de la sociabilidad humana. Desafortunadamente, las medidas que han tomado muchas escuelas para prevenir la transmisión del hair loss treatment (máscaras, lavado de manos, vacunación) al reabrir hacen poco para prevenir la propagación del piojo de la cabeza. Sin embargo, el distanciamiento físico, como espaciar los escritorios a un metro de distancia, debería ayudar. Linda Holmes, who has been working as a technician with the national company LiceDoctors for five years, shows third grader Huntley Marker the nits that had moments before been glued to her hair. (Rae Ellen Bichell/KHN) Paris Marker washes olive oil out of her daughter’s hair after Holmes finished combing through it, looking for lice and nits — the eggs of the parasitic insects.

The Markers paid more than $200 for Holmes to check and delouse everyone in the four-person household in Parker, Colorado. (Rae Ellen Bichell/KHN) En teoría, es más difícil que se diseminen los piojos que el propecia hair loss, porque la proximidad por sí sola no es suficiente. Por lo general, necesitan contacto directo. Si un niño contrae piojos, lo más probable es que signifique que el niño pasó un tiempo importante lo suficientemente cerca de otro niño como para que el parásito se mueva. (Los investigadores tienden a estar de acuerdo en que la transmisión a través de objetos inanimados como peines y sombreros es mínima).

El piojo de la cabeza no es conocido por su fortaleza o destreza atlética. Los adultos no pueden sobrevivir más de uno o dos días sin tomar sangre. Sus huevos no pueden eclosionar sin el calor de una cabeza humana y morirán dentro de una semana sin esas condiciones acogedoras. Estos insectos no pueden saltar ni volar, solo gatear. Lo único a favor del piojo de la cabeza son sus garras altamente especializadas, desarrolladas para engancharse al cabello humano.

A diferencia del piojo del cuerpo, el de la cabeza no es conocido por propagar enfermedades. Una infestación no indica nada sobre la higiene de una persona. (De hecho, expertos dicen que los insectos prefieren el cabello limpio porque es más fácil engancharse). Y, a pesar de los conceptos erróneos comunes, pueden colonizar a personas de todas las edades, razas y etnias. Las herramientas preferidas de Holmes para fastidiar las cabezas de sus clientes son el aceite de oliva virgen extra y un juego de peines de dientes finos.

Otros métodos involucran herramientas que van desde geles especiales hasta dispositivos que calientan la cabeza a una temperatura que se cree que mata los huevos de piojos.(Rae Ellen Bichell / KHN) Desde el punto de vista de la dominación mundial de piojos, las cuarentenas por hair loss treatment no fueron suficiente. Estas criaturas están en las cabezas humanas desde hace miles de años. Un pequeño encierro no iba a acabar con este romance. Federico Galassi, investigador del Centro de Investigación de Plagas e Insecticidas de Argentina, descubrió que los estrictos cierres tempranos de hair loss treatment condujeron, de hecho, a una disminución de los piojos entre los niños de Buenos Aires, pero los insectos no estuvieron ni cerca de ser eliminados. Su estudio encontró que la prevalencia se redujo de aproximadamente un 70% a cerca de un 44%.

Y una cosa está clara. Cuando la gente cerraba sus puertas y se acurrucaba durante los primeros cierres, los piojos estaban allí, acurrucados con nosotros. Cuando SaLeah Snelling volvió a abrir las puertas de su salón Lice Clinics of America en Boise, Idaho, en mayo, dijo que “los casos de piojos eran más graves de lo que jamás habíamos visto”. Y no eran solo una o dos personas de la casa con piojos, sino toda la familia. Ahora, dicen Galassi y los exterminadores de piojos estadounidenses, las tasas de infestación han vuelto a ser como las previas al cierre, a pesar de las protecciones escolares por hair loss treatment.

Nix, una marca de productos contra los piojos, publica un mapa que afirma que los piojos son malos en este momento en Houston, la mayor parte de Alabama y Nuevo México, además de Tulsa, Oklahoma. El mapa dirige a las personas a ubicaciones que venden sus productos. Richard Pollack, director científico del servicio gratuito de identificación de plagas IdentifyUS, dijo que la mayoría de las afirmaciones sobre la prevalencia de piojos son “tonterías de marketing” de una industria en gran parte no regulada centrada en aparentes infestaciones que a menudo resultan ser solo caspa, purpurina, laca para el cabello, insectos que habitan en la hierba, hongos inocuos o incluso migas de galletas. Es posible que el reciente aumento en este negocio sugiera que las personas ahora se sienten cómodas buscando ayuda fuera del hogar en lugar de ser una señal de un aumento de estos insectos. Si bien existe poca investigación para confirmar si hay un aumento de piojos, Boswell, Pollack e incluso la Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Escolares están de acuerdo.

Es probable que los insectos no se propaguen en el aula porque la transmisión de piojos en la escuela se considera rara. En cambio, dijo Boswell, es más probable que a medida que se reanudan otras actividades (fiestas de pijamas, citas para jugar, campamentos de verano, reuniones familiares) los insectos están prosperando una vez más. Pollack escribió una vez en una diapositiva de una presentación. €œLos piojos indican que el niño tiene amigos”. Los niños en edad preescolar tienden a tener más infestaciones “porque son más cariñosos”, dijo Julia Wilson, copropietaria de Rocky Mountain Lice Removal en Lafayette, Colorado.

Pero también ha notado un aumento entre los adolescentes, que atribuye a tomarse selfies con amigos. €œLes dices. €˜Â¿Han juntado sus cabezas?. €™ Y el adolescente dice. €˜No, nunca’”, dijo Wilson.

€œY luego, de repente, literalmente se están tomando una foto selfie con sus amigos”. La familia Marker no está segura de dónde se originaron los piojos de Huntley, que es alumna de tercer grado. ¿Quizás un amigo cercano o su grupo de baile?. Los Markers gastaron más de $200 para que revisaran a los cuatro miembros del hogar, incluidas las cejas y la barba de papá. Su padre y su hermano en edad preescolar no tenían liendres.

Pero Holmes encontró un par de liendres en Paris, la madre de Huntley. €œPuedes quemarme toda la cabeza ahora mismo”, dijo Paris. Después de peinar cada cabeza con cuidado, Holmes terminó la sesión despidiéndose de sus clientes con un abrazo, prueba de que confía en su trabajo. Holmes revisa las cabezas de todos los miembros de la familia Marker en busca de piojos, incluido el niño en edad preescolar Hudson. Cuesta más de $ 200 revisar a las cuatro personas del hogar, incluidas las cejas y la barba de papá.(Rae Ellen Bichell / KHN) Rae Ellen Bichell., @raelnb Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipJason and DeeAnn Dean recently relocated to her hometown of Dellrose, Tennessee, where she grew up on a farm. Both in their late 40s, they’re trying to start a green dream business that combines organic farming with a health and wellness consulting company. They want to inspire people to grow their own food in this fertile rolling farmland, just north of the border with Alabama. Until the business fully launches, Jason is working construction. In May, he was injured on the job site when a piece of sheet metal slipped and caught him on the kneecap.

He bled quite a bit. After closing the wound with a butterfly bandage, he thought that might be enough. But on his drive home, he figured it’d be best to have a professional stitch it up. It was late in the day, and the emergency room seemed the best option since his doctor’s office was closed. He and DeeAnn had opted for a health plan with lower monthly payments and a high deductible.

So, he knew the cost of care wouldn’t be cheap — and he was right. When the bills for thousands of dollars came, they were shocked. They were in the midst of fighting them in August when DeeAnn started feeling as bad as she’s ever felt. €œI haven’t eaten. I’m not drinking.

I have a horrible fever. I can’t get out of bed. I’m shaking,” she said. She was pretty sure she had contracted hair loss treatment — the delta variant was surging across the South. The natural-health fanatic was kicking herself for putting off vaccination.

She got tested and the result was negative. She visited a doctor the next day, who said her condition was bad enough to go to the ER — but she regarded that option as financially unacceptable. €œThat is fear,” said DeeAnn. €œIf they charged Jason this much, what would they charge me?. € She was terrified of a potential bill from the same ER in Pulaski, Tennessee, that had treated her husband.

So even though she was deliriously ill, she hit the road in search of cheaper treatment, asking her parents to drive her. They headed south first to an ER in Huntsville, Alabama, but it was so full of hair loss treatment patients, she would have had to wait all day. Then, they drove north nearly an hour to Maury Regional Medical Center, a public hospital in Columbia, Tennessee, where she was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a potentially deadly tick-borne . She got treatment with appropriate antibiotics and IV fluids. €œI would have had organ damage or possibly death in a few days,” she said.

And then the bills came. The Patients. Jason and DeeAnn Dean, entrepreneurs and aspiring organic farmers who bought a BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee insurance plan with a deductible of $8,000. Medical Services. Jason received six sutures for a laceration on his knee and a tetanus shot.

DeeAnn received diagnosis and treatment for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Total Bills. Jason was charged $4,582.77 by the hospital for a Level 4 emergency visit, including $497.40 for a tetanus shot. The ER physicians who treated him sent a separate bill of $2,007, for a total of $6,589.77. The Deans’ share of these bills came to $4,278.05.

At a different ER, DeeAnn was charged for a Level 4 emergency and lab tests. BCBST paid a negotiated rate of $1,990.63 and the Deans owed $566.33. Service Providers. Jason received care at Southern Tennessee Regional Health System-Pulaski, part of the LifePoint Health hospital chain. DeeAnn received care at Maury Regional Medical Center, a county-owned hospital in Columbia, Tennessee, about twice as far from her home as the Pulaski hospital.

What Gives. The Deans were snagged by a host of major problems in American health care. Very high billing, obscure pricing, high-deductible insurance plans and few options for care in rural areas. The net result could have cost DeeAnn her life. When Jason went to the only local ER for stitches, the staff assured him his insurance would cover the treatment.

€œI’m not versed in medical billing or medical law,” he said. €œSo I said, ‘Let’s go ahead and stitch it up.’” “This little scar on my knee ― that’s $6,500,” says Jason Dean of the hospital ER bill for six stitches that listed the cut as “simple 2.5 cm.”(Blake Farmer / WPLN News) It took 30 minutes. Despite his questions about coverage, no one ever told him what he would be charged. He guessed no more than $1,000 for the 30-minute visit. Then, a few weeks later, he began receiving bills.

The hospital charged a total of $4,582.77, asking him to pay $3,391.25 for his six stitches. LifePoint Health, the hospital’s owner, is a large hospital chain headquartered in Nashville that specializes in rural hospital operations. The ER physicians, who sent a separate bill for $2,007 (discounted to $886.80), are part of TeamHealth, based in Knoxville. His ER visit was coded as Level 4 on the five-level scale. A Level 4 is supposed to require a detailed examination and medical history, along with decision-making of moderate complexity.

Both the physicians and the hospital are part of companies recently taken over by private-equity investors. TeamHealth has been sued by the nation’s largest health insurer, UnitedHealthcare, for overusing Level 4 and Level 5 charges on bills. It’s a practice insurance companies refer to as “upcoding.” TeamHealth calls the accusation an attempt at “downcoding” a physician’s expertise. Both companies, through spokespeople, essentially said Jason’s charges are what they are. LifePoint wouldn’t discuss specifics.

DeeAnn was still worried about her Maury Regional bill, especially after a battery of tests and being hooked to IV fluids. But, despite the high level of care she received and having the same high-deductible plan as her husband, she’s out only $600 — an amount she said she will gladly pay. As is so often the case with Bill of the Month sagas, the question of responsibility has all sides blaming the others. TeamHealth, the ER staffing firm, which controls billing in an estimated 17% of all emergency rooms, blames insurers for selling high-deductible plans. And patients.

€œUnfortunately, it is all too common that patients are not knowledgeable about their financial responsibilities under high-deductible plans,” TeamHealth spokesperson Greg Blair said in a written statement. And the high prices do come at a cost for people’s health. For 1 in 10 Americans, according to the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, costs cause patients to put off necessary care. When Jason Dean decided to have a professional stitch up the cut on his knee, his doctor’s office was closed. So he landed at the emergency department at Southern Tennessee Regional Health System-Pulaski.

(Blake Farmer / WPLN News) Resolution. The Deans spent hours on the phone, asking the hospital and the physicians’ group to review the charges for Jason’s $1,000-per-stitch care. Both companies are sticking by the original bills. But the Deans are still fighting. DeeAnn said they regret gambling on a high-deductible plan.

But the difference in monthly premiums was substantial compared with low-deductible plans, especially when they’re launching a business, and the risk seemed minimal given their lack of chronic conditions and focus on healthy living. Pulaski is lucky to still have a hospital, though. Southern states — and Tennessee especially — have seen rural hospitals close faster than anywhere else in the country. It’s a phenomenon routinely blamed on the lack of Medicaid expansion, which leaves many people uninsured. €œI get it,” DeeAnn said.

€œBut that doesn’t mean they get to take advantage of the people going through there.” Jason and DeeAnn Dean recently moved to her hometown of Dellrose, Tennessee, where they’re trying to start a green dream business that inspires people to grow their own food in the fertile farmland just north of the Alabama state line. (Blake Farmer / WPLN News) The Takeaway. It is a national tragedy that many Americans avoid or defer needed medical care because of fear of costs. Still, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Emergency rooms are expensive places, so think twice before using them — although, in many circumstances, they are the only option on nights and weekends, particularly in rural areas.

Don’t be reassured by a provider’s insistence that your insurance should cover treatment. If you have a high-deductible plan, “you’re covered” doesn’t mean much because you’re responsible for — in Jason’s case — the first $8,000 in charges. Also, even if your insurer, in theory, covers your medical encounter, you may receive big bills from doctors outside your network or be required to contribute a hefty coinsurance share under the terms of your plan. You can ask whether the self-pay cash price is an option — thereby waiving your insurance. But many facilities will require those who have insurance to use it — knowing they can bill higher prices that way.

If a physician gives you the option of having a lab test, MRI or X-ray on the spot in the ER versus doing it once you’re discharged, choose the latter. Tests run while in the ER are often many times more expensive than elsewhere. After your visit, check how it was coded. If the bill says Level 4 or 5 and the visit was fairly simple, ask more questions. Here’s a handy chart with descriptions of the five CPT (current procedural terminology) codes for the levels of ER service.

Finally, it’s worth knowing in advance who staffs the emergency departments of hospitals in your area, especially if you have a high-deductible plan. Are the doctors employed by the hospital or are they employed by a private-equity-owned staffing firm?. The latter type of arrangement, research shows, often means high prices and more aggressive billing. Driving a few extra miles could save thousands of dollars. Bill of the Month is a crowdsourced investigation by KHN and NPR that dissects and explains medical bills.

Do you have an interesting medical bill you want to share with us?. Tell us about it!. Blake Farmer, Nashville Public Radio., @flakebarmer Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipAmanda Kostroski, a 911 dispatcher in Madison, Wisconsin, leaves her busy job once a week to go to a county health clinic to be tested for hair loss treatment. She’s been making the 15-minute drive from work since late September, when Dane County mandated all employees get vaccinated or tested weekly.

The testing is free, and she is typically back to work within an hour. Kostroski is among 10% of county employees who are unvaccinated and get weekly tests. She chose not to get immunized because she thinks the treatments are too new and she fears side effects. Kostroski said she doesn’t understand the need for the shots or why vaccinated people are not tested, since they can sometimes also transmit the propecia. €œI think it’s pointless,” said Kostroski, 34, who has always tested negative.

She’s been told by vaccinated colleagues that they feel burdened filling in for people getting tested. Dane is one of several dozen counties, cities and states that require workers to get a hair loss treatment or get tested regularly. While some employees complained about the policy, county officials say, it helps keep the workplace safe with modest interruptions. They also say vaccinated workers don’t need testing because they are less likely to get infected and, if they do, are less likely to contract a severe case of hair loss treatment. But it has been costly, often requiring governments to use federal hair loss treatment relief dollars they would rather have spent elsewhere.

Some private employers have adopted similar policies. And starting Jan. 4, the Biden administration will require private employers with 100 or more workers to insist on shots or weekly testing. But opposition to those mandates runs deep among some workers, unions and conservative leaders. More than two dozen Republican state attorneys general sued the administration, arguing the federal government lacks the authority.

A federal appeals court agreed with them and temporarily blocked the order, and the case might end up before the Supreme Court. Still, these early efforts by state and local governments offer insights into what Biden’s rule might mean for the wider private sector as companies deal with setting up and paying for testing and then monitoring the results. The regimen adds more work for government managers even in localities like Dane County, where nearly 90% of adults are at least partly vaccinated. Nationally, about 81% of adults are at least partly vaccinated against hair loss treatment, although rates vary widely among states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Jurisdictions run by conservative officials tend to have lower vaccination rates and are unlikely to require vaccinations or testing for workers — meaning experiences to date don’t reflect areas that have had strong opposition to treatments and other hair loss treatment requirements.

Local and state governments that have embraced the testing option have done so because it straddles the line between creating a safe work environment and giving reluctant employees a way to opt out of the treatment without losing their job. Blaire Bryant, associate legislative director for health at the National Association of Counties, said, “It’s too early to give a definitive answer on how well it’s going, but so far [we have] not heard any major issues.” Counties are relying on free hair loss treatment testing in their communities, paying for it through federal hair loss treatment relief dollars, or having their health insurance companies foot the bill. Local governments have a smorgasbord of policies on who is subject to the treatment-or-test requirement and how it’s enforced. For example, all unvaccinated employees of San Diego County, California, who do not work in a health care setting need to provide proof of weekly testing to their supervisor, said spokesperson Michael Workman. Miami-Dade County’s policy applies only to nonunion workers, or about 9% of its 29,000 employees.

About 380 undergo weekly testing. The Florida county is still negotiating with unions about adding the requirement. Virginia’s Department of Corrections requires unvaccinated employees who work in crowded settings to get tested every three days, and the rest, every seven days. And the expense?. It cost the department nearly $7,000 to test 442 staff members over two days in October.

The state is tapping federal hair loss treatment relief funds to pay for the testing. Securing scarce testing supplies can be difficult. The Virginia State Police had to wait more than a month to start a testing program in part because of delays in delivery. While the Biden administration hoped its rule would motivate more people to get vaccinated, counties have had mixed results. Officials in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., said they have not seen a significant increase in employees submitting vaccination verification since its mandatory shot policy took effect in October.

More than 80% of county employees are vaccinated. The county distributes and pays for self-administered tests for its 2,300 employees who need them, said spokesperson Dawn Nieters. The cost ranges from $35 for a rapid test to $53 for a PCR test, considered the gold standard for detecting hair loss treatment. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which includes Charlotte, did see the needle move. Employees there are responsible for getting their own tests.

The vaccination rate jumped from 62% to 85% one month after the requirement was implemented in early September. George Dunlap, chairman of Mecklenburg’s Board of County Commissioners, said he prefers the treatment-or-test requirement to a treatment-only mandate because “you have to allow for human behavior that might be different than yours.” But he isn’t sure the policy will encourage any more workers to get vaccinated. €œThe people that I know personally who decided to do the testing are still getting testing. They didn’t change their mind about the vaccination,” he said. Some health experts question the value of testing as a backup and instead favor mandating the shots.

€œA treatment-and/or-testing policy is second best,” said Jeffrey Levi, a professor of health management and policy at George Washington University. €œA testing policy catches a problem early. It doesn’t prevent a problem, whereas the vaccination requirement helps to prevent it.” Marc Elrich, the executive in Montgomery County, Maryland, in suburban Washington, supports a treatment-only mandate in theory but worries imposing it would result in workers leaving for jobs in neighboring jurisdictions without similar requirements. €œI wish the federal government would impose a [treatment-only] mandate, because if the feds were to do it, there wouldn’t be any job portability,” said Elrich. €œI wouldn’t have to deal with an employee’s ability to go from, particularly in this region, Montgomery County Police Department to pretty much every other police department around here.” Robb Pitts, who chairs the Fulton County Board of Commissioners in Atlanta, would also like to do away with the testing option.

€œBut I don’t think my colleagues would necessarily go along with that,” he said. About a third of county employees have opted for testing instead of vaccination. €œWhy did I compromise?. Because I felt, well, we had to do something,” Pitts said. €œA lot of times, politics is the art of compromise.” According to Pitts’ office, Fulton County saw its largest increase in vaccinations since May in September, when the treatment-or-test policy was implemented.

The vaccination rate now hovers around 72%. Amanda Michelle Gomez., @amanduhgomez Phil Galewitz., @philgalewitz Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipIf you or someone you know is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. CHAPEL HILL, N.C.

€” Ethan Phillips was 13 years old when he first heard the term “suicide contagion.” It’s the scientific concept that after one person dies by suicide, others in the community may be at higher risk. Phillips learned the phrase growing up in Fairfax County, Virginia, where more than a dozen teens and preteens died by suicide while he was in middle school. It came up again when a high school classmate killed himself. By the time Phillips entered college at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2019, he’d developed “an unfortunate level of experience” in dealing with the topic, he said. So this fall, when Phillips — now a junior and head of the student government’s wellness and safety division — heard that two students had died by suicide on campus within 48 hours, he knew what to do.

Along with his peers in student government, Phillips shared mental health resources on social media, developed email templates for students to request accommodations from professors and held a meeting of various mental health clubs on campus to coordinate their response. His focus was first on communicating quickly and clearly, and second on informing students about mental health resources available to help them deal with their grief. Ethan Phillips heads the student government’s wellness and safety division at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. When he was growing up, more than a dozen youth suicides occurred in his suburban Washington, D.C., county, and now Phillips advocates for “suicide postvention” — to help communities grieve, restore a sense of stability and limit the risk of more suicides. (Kayden Hunt) Those are two crucial steps in a growing area of study known as “suicide postvention.” Just as there’s research on the prevention of mental health crises and interventions for people who are actively suicidal, research is also developing around the steps that can be taken after a suicide to help communities grieve, restore a sense of stability and limit the risk of more deaths.

It’s an area of particular interest for colleges, as suicide is the second-leading cause of death for U.S. Teenagers and young adults, and these are the groups most likely to experience contagion. With the hair loss treatment propecia exacerbating depression and thoughts of suicide, several universities have needed postvention strategies over the past year and a half. Saint Louis University, Dartmouth College and West Virginia University have lost multiple students to suicide during the propecia. At UNC, the two deaths in October came after a suicide death and suicide attempt in September, according to the campus police log.

A national survey in the spring by the American College Health Association found 1 in 4 students had screened positive for suicidal thoughts and 2% had attempted suicide in the past 12 months. €œKnowing this, we have to be even more alert,” said John Dunkle, former director of counseling services at Northwestern University and a senior director with the nonprofit Jed Foundation, which works to prevent youth suicide. €œGetting that postvention plan in place before a tragedy occurs is really critical.” Schools should know how they will communicate the news, identify students at greatest risk of harming themselves, deploy counseling resources and determine whether to hold memorials, he said. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for U.S. Teenagers and young adults, and these are the groups most likely to experience contagion.

(Ira Wilder / Daily Tar Heel) Julie Cerel, director of the Suicide Prevention and Exposure Lab at the University of Kentucky, said her research shows that, on average, 135 people are affected by each suicide. Postvention strategies can prevent suicides among that group, she said. Yet creating a postvention plan is a challenging task, involving the uncomfortable topic of death, thorny legal questions of liability and the sometimes conflicting desires of the deceased student’s family and the campus population. Phillips saw these complexities when he was in middle and high school. So when UNC leaders took a day and a half to release a statement on the October suicides, he understood why.

Still, he saw the repercussions of that delay in the college community. Rumors swirled on social media and people wondered if the university was ignoring the issue. €œWhere it showed its negative effects most acutely were in faculty who did not know what was occurring on campus,” Phillips said. Some were caught off guard by students’ grief and anger at the university or requests for extensions on assignments. UNC declined to answer questions about its response to the suicides and whether it has a postvention plan.

On Nov. 15, the university did hold a one-day mental health summit “for faculty, staff and student leaders” to address campus culture, crisis services and prevention. In a written statement, the university said it also plans to launch a campuswide mental health campaign to make students and other community members aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health distress, and inform them of the different ways they can reach out to each other and to university services for support. Dunkle said communication is among the trickiest pieces of postvention. While students want information immediately, universities can be hamstrung by pending death investigations or a family’s wishes for privacy.

Officials also must avoid sharing details, like the manner of suicide, as that can increase contagion. What’s most important, Dunkle said, is to provide mental health resources. After the suicides, UNC’s communication to students listed the campus counseling center, the dean of students office, peer support services and national hotlines. The school also created temporary support centers with counselors throughout campus. But since the centers were open only during the daytime, Phillips said, some students found it difficult to go between classes.

UNC students wrote messages in chalk outside the student union reminding peers “It’s ok if you don’t feel 100%,” “it’s OK to rest” and “you are so loved.” (Aneri Pattani / KHN) (Aneri Pattani / KHN) Christopher Grohs, a student in occupational therapy and director of health and wellness for the graduate and professional student government, echoed that concern. Many graduate students have told him they don’t know where the counseling center is on UNC’s 729-acre campus or how to use it. €œA big barrier to using a resource is being able to locate it,” Grohs said. This on-the-ground understanding is why students should be consulted when universities develop postvention plans, said Amy Gatto, a senior manager at Active Minds, a nonprofit focused on mental health for young adults. €œThey’re going to be able to give more valuable feedback than just a committee of staff members.” At Johnson C.

Smith University — a small, historically Black college in Charlotte, North Carolina — counseling services director Tierra Parsons said she looks for opportunities to survey students and adjust services accordingly. Over the years, students have suggested they’d like more virtual and text-based options, she said. In fall 2020, the school brought on telehealth provider TimelyMD. This year, it asked social work graduate students to spend their internship hours in undergraduate residence halls to be available to students where they live. €œWe want to be where students need us, and sometimes that requires coming out from behind the desk,” Parsons said.

Equally important as campuswide outreach is directly contacting those who were closest to the student who died, mental health experts say. At the University at Albany in New York, the counseling center creates a list of these students and fast-tracks them to an urgent consult if they reach out, said center director Karen Sokolowski. If the students don’t reach out, counselors contact them to talk about grief and ask whether they need extensions on homework or time away from school. Students should also be asked about their access to lethal means, said Qwynn Galloway-Salazar, student division chair for the American Association of Suicidology. Depending on their answers, the university could distribute gun locks, talk about safe storage of medications or, more generally, limit access to the top floors of tall buildings.

After a series of suicides at Cornell, the university added safety nets to local bridges. Another important postvention step can be limiting memorials. Although students need opportunities to grieve, experts say memorials sometimes glamorize suicide and lead others with suicidal thoughts to see death as a way to receive love and attention. Instead, they suggest directing students to volunteer or donate to a cause they care about in their classmate’s memory. At UNC, in the days after the two suicides, members of the campus Active Minds chapter wrote more than 150 notes of affirmation and distributed them with lists of mental health resources, said club co-president Evan Aldridge.

Other students wrote messages in chalk outside the student union reminding peers “it’s OK to rest” and “you are so loved.” Although those messages have faded in the weeks since, the students’ postvention efforts have not. Phillips said they should continue for years, just as they have where he grew up. €œI don’t know that we’re ever out of postvention.” Aneri Pattani., @aneripattani Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.

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It’s a year since the innovative scheme was born, in a bid to guarantee timely access to everyone, regardless of their income, status or location, to life-saving jabs, Where can i buy diflucan one over the counter as propecia opinie the propecia gripped the world. €œYet, the global picture of access to hair loss treatments is unacceptable”, said the statement released on Wednesday. €œIn the critical months during which propecia opinie COVAX was created, signed on participants, pooled demand, and raised enough money to make advance purchases of treatments, much of the early global supply had already been bought by wealthy nations.” Roadblocks But today, the statement continues, “COVAX’s ability to protect the most vulnerable people in the world continues to be hampered by export bans, the prioritisation of bilateral deals by manufacturers and countries, ongoing challenges in scaling up production by some key producers, and delays in filing for regulatory approval.” With widespread support, COVAX secured financing, dealt directly with treatment developers and manufacturers worldwide, and addressed a host of operational challenges, to organise the most complex treatment rollout in human history.

€œCOVAX has already achieved significant progress. More than $10 billion has been raised. Legally-binding commitments for up propecia opinie to 4.5 billion doses of treatment.

240 million doses have been delivered to 139 countries in just six months”, said the statement. But according to its latest Supply Forecast, COVAX expects to have access to around 1.425 billion doses of treatment in 2021, “in the most likely scenario and in the absence of urgent action by producers and high-coverage countries to propecia opinie prioritize COVAX”, the World Health Organisation (WHO), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), CEPI, GAVI and other partners behind the initiative said. Of these doses, approximately 1.2 billion will be available for the lower income economies participating in the so-called COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC).

This is enough to provide protection for 20% of the population, or 40% of all adults, in all 92 AMC economies, with the exception of India. Over 200 million doses will be allocated to propecia opinie self-financing participants. The key COVAX milestone of two billion doses released for delivery is now expected to be reached in the first quarter of 2022, says the statement.

COVAX and its partners are calling on donors and manufacturers to recommit their support, and “prevent further delays to equitable access”, by ensuring that the following basic steps propecia opinie take place. That manufacturers deliver to COVAX “in accordance with firm commitments and provide transparency on timelines for availability to COVAX to allow countries to plan in advance.”  That where countries are ahead of COVAX in manufacturer queues, and already have achieved high coverage, those nations give up their place in the queue to COVAX, so that its participants can access the doses already secured via supply contracts and deliver treatments to where they are needed most.​ And finally, that nations “expand, accelerate, and systematize dose donations from countries that are already well advanced in their vaccination programmes”, ensuring that doses are available in larger and more predictable volumes, with longer shelf lives – reducing the burden on countries trying to prepare for deliveries. “As the hair loss treatment propecia continues to claim lives, destroy livelihoods and stunt economic recovery, we continue to emphasise that no one is safe until everyone is safe”, said COVAX.

A vaccination campaign against hair loss treatment is launched in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the treatments received through the COVAX initiative., by © UNICEF/Ariette Bashizi“There is only one way to end the propecia and prevent the emergence of new and stubborn variants and that is by working together.” ‘Now is the time for true leadership, not empty promises’ In a news briefing in Geneva, WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reminded journalists of his call, a month ago, for a global moratorium on booster doses, at least until the end of September, in order to prioritise the vaccination of the most propecia opinie at-risk people around the world who are yet to receive their first dose. €œThere has been little change in the global situation since then, so today I am calling for an extension of the moratorium until at least the end of the year, to enable every country to vaccinate at least 40 percent of its population,” he explained. For Tedros, the world’s largest producers, propecia opinie consumers and donors of treatments in the world’s 20 leading economies hold the key to treatment equity and ending the propecia.

€œNow is the time for true leadership, not empty promises,” he said. WHO wants to support every country’s efforts to vaccinate at least 10 per cent of their populations by the end of this month, at least 40 per cent by the end of this year and 70 per cent of the global population by the middle of next year..

It’s a year since the innovative scheme was born, in a bid to guarantee timely access to everyone, regardless of their income, status or location, to life-saving buy propecia tablets jabs, as the propecia gripped the world. €œYet, the global picture of access to hair loss treatments is unacceptable”, said the statement released on Wednesday. €œIn the critical months during which COVAX was created, signed on participants, pooled demand, and raised enough money to make advance purchases of treatments, much of the early global supply had already been bought by wealthy nations.” Roadblocks But today, the statement continues, “COVAX’s ability to protect the most vulnerable people in the world continues to be hampered by export bans, the prioritisation of bilateral deals by manufacturers and countries, ongoing challenges in scaling up production by some key producers, and delays in filing for regulatory approval.” With widespread support, COVAX buy propecia tablets secured financing, dealt directly with treatment developers and manufacturers worldwide, and addressed a host of operational challenges, to organise the most complex treatment rollout in human history.

€œCOVAX has already achieved significant progress. More than $10 billion has been raised. Legally-binding commitments for up to 4.5 billion buy propecia tablets doses of treatment.

240 million doses have been delivered to 139 countries in just six months”, said the statement. But according to its latest Supply Forecast, COVAX expects to have access to around 1.425 billion doses of treatment in 2021, “in the most likely scenario and in the absence of urgent action by producers and high-coverage countries to prioritize COVAX”, the World Health Organisation (WHO), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), CEPI, buy propecia tablets GAVI and other partners behind the initiative said. Of these doses, approximately 1.2 billion will be available for the lower income economies participating in the so-called COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC).

This is enough to provide protection for 20% of the population, or 40% of all adults, in all 92 AMC economies, with the exception of India. Over 200 million doses buy propecia tablets will be allocated to self-financing participants. The key COVAX milestone of two billion doses released for delivery is now expected to be reached in the first quarter of 2022, says the statement.

COVAX and its partners buy propecia tablets are calling on donors and manufacturers to recommit their support, and “prevent further delays to equitable access”, by ensuring that the following basic steps take place. That manufacturers deliver to COVAX “in accordance with firm commitments and provide transparency on timelines for availability to COVAX to allow countries to plan in advance.”  That where countries are ahead of COVAX in manufacturer queues, and already have achieved high coverage, those nations give up their place in the queue to COVAX, so that its participants can access the doses already secured via supply contracts and deliver treatments to where they are needed most.​ And finally, that nations “expand, accelerate, and systematize dose donations from countries that are already well advanced in their vaccination programmes”, ensuring that doses are available in larger and more predictable volumes, with longer shelf lives – reducing the burden on countries trying to prepare for deliveries. “As the hair loss treatment propecia continues to claim lives, destroy livelihoods and stunt economic recovery, we continue to emphasise that no one is safe until everyone is safe”, said COVAX.

A vaccination campaign against hair loss treatment is launched in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the treatments received through the COVAX initiative., by © UNICEF/Ariette Bashizi“There is only one way to end the propecia and prevent the emergence of new and stubborn variants and that is by working together.” ‘Now is the time for true leadership, not empty promises’ In a news briefing in Geneva, WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reminded journalists of his buy propecia tablets call, a month ago, for a global moratorium on booster doses, at least until the end of September, in order to prioritise the vaccination of the most at-risk people around the world who are yet to receive their first dose. €œThere has been little change in the global situation since then, so today I am calling for an extension of the moratorium until at least the end of the year, to enable every country to vaccinate at least 40 percent of its population,” he explained. For Tedros, the world’s largest producers, consumers and donors of treatments in the world’s 20 leading economies hold the key to treatment equity and ending the propecia buy propecia tablets.

€œNow is the time for true leadership, not empty promises,” he said. WHO wants to support every country’s efforts to vaccinate at least 10 per cent of their populations by the end of this month, at least 40 per cent by the end of this year and 70 per cent of the global population by the middle of next year..

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August 18, 2020 (TORONTO) — Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) and Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw) are is there a generic form of propecia pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement to advance e-prescribing in Canada. Under the agreement, Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaw retail pharmacies and QHR Technologies’ AccuroEMR®, Canada’s largest single electronic medical record platform, will work towards connecting with PrescribeIT®, Infoway’s national e-prescribing service.As a first step in the initiative, Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw will begin to roll out PrescribeIT® in pharmacies already using software that is integrated with PrescribeIT®. “This agreement will accelerate the adoption of e-prescribing in Canada, bringing significant benefits to patients, prescribers and health care systems across the country,” said Ashesh Desai, Executive Vice President Pharmacy and Healthcare Businesses at Shoppers Drug Mart.“PrescribeIT® has shown tremendous momentum since it launched,” said is there a generic form of propecia Michael Green, President and CEO of Infoway. €œThis is an important expansion for PrescribeIT® and will help extend the benefits of the service more broadly.”Loblaw will continue to operate FreedomRx, the e-prescribing and messaging platform that is currently available predominantly to Loblaw and Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies and physicians using AccuroEMR® as their electronic medical records system.About Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our investments, we help deliver better quality and access to care and more is there a generic form of propecia efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians.

Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government. Visit PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway is working with Health Canada, the provinces and territories, and industry stakeholders to develop, operate and maintain the national e-prescribing service known is there a generic form of propecia as PrescribeIT®. PrescribeIT® will serve all Canadians, pharmacies and prescribers and provide safer and more effective medication management by enabling prescribers to transmit a prescription electronically between a prescriber’s electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS) of a patient’s pharmacy of choice. PrescribeIT® will protect Canadians’ personal is there a generic form of propecia health information from being sold or used for commercial activities. Visit Loblaw Companies LimitedLoblaw is Canada's food and pharmacy leader, and the nation's largest retailer.

Loblaw provides Canadians with grocery, pharmacy, health and beauty, apparel, general merchandise, financial services and wireless mobile products is there a generic form of propecia and services. With more than 2,400 corporate, franchised and Associate-owned locations, Loblaw, its franchisees and associate-owners employ approximately 200,000 full- and part-time employees, making it one of Canada's largest private sector employers.Loblaw's purpose – Live Life Well® – puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the company's stores. Loblaw is positioned to meet and exceed those is there a generic form of propecia needs in many ways. Convenient locations. More than 1,050 grocery stores that span the value spectrum from discount to is there a generic form of propecia specialty.

Full-service pharmacies at nearly 1,400 Shoppers Drug Mart® and Pharmaprix® locations and close to 500 Loblaw locations. PC Financial® is there a generic form of propecia services. Affordable Joe Fresh® fashion and family apparel. And three of Canada's is there a generic form of propecia top-consumer brands in Life Brand, no name® and President's Choice. For more information, visit Loblaw's website at Inquiries Karen SchmidtDirector, Corporate/Internal CommunicationsCanada Health Infoway(416) 886-4967 Email UsFollow @InfowayCatherine ThomasSenior Director, External CommunicationLoblaw Companies Limited This email address is being protected from spambots.

You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Inquiries about PrescribeIT®.

August 18, 2020 (TORONTO) — Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) and buy propecia tablets Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw) are pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement to advance e-prescribing in Canada. Under the agreement, Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaw retail pharmacies and QHR Technologies’ AccuroEMR®, Canada’s largest single electronic medical record platform, will work towards connecting with PrescribeIT®, Infoway’s national e-prescribing service.As a first step in the initiative, Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw will begin to roll out PrescribeIT® in pharmacies already using software that is integrated with PrescribeIT®. “This agreement will accelerate the adoption of e-prescribing in Canada, bringing significant benefits to patients, prescribers and health care buy propecia tablets systems across the country,” said Ashesh Desai, Executive Vice President Pharmacy and Healthcare Businesses at Shoppers Drug Mart.“PrescribeIT® has shown tremendous momentum since it launched,” said Michael Green, President and CEO of Infoway.

€œThis is an important expansion for PrescribeIT® and will help extend the benefits of the service more broadly.”Loblaw will continue to operate FreedomRx, the e-prescribing and messaging platform that is currently available predominantly to Loblaw and Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies and physicians using AccuroEMR® as their electronic medical records system.About Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our investments, we help deliver better quality and access to buy propecia tablets care and more efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians. Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government.

Visit PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway is working with Health Canada, the provinces and territories, and industry stakeholders to develop, buy propecia tablets operate and maintain the national e-prescribing service known as PrescribeIT®. PrescribeIT® will serve all Canadians, pharmacies and prescribers and provide safer and more effective medication management by enabling prescribers to transmit a prescription electronically between a prescriber’s electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS) of a patient’s pharmacy of choice. PrescribeIT® will protect Canadians’ personal health buy propecia tablets information from being sold or used for commercial activities.

Visit Loblaw Companies LimitedLoblaw is Canada's food and pharmacy leader, and the nation's largest retailer. Loblaw provides Canadians with grocery, pharmacy, health and beauty, apparel, general merchandise, financial services and wireless mobile buy propecia tablets products and services. With more than 2,400 corporate, franchised and Associate-owned locations, Loblaw, its franchisees and associate-owners employ approximately 200,000 full- and part-time employees, making it one of Canada's largest private sector employers.Loblaw's purpose – Live Life Well® – puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the company's stores.

Loblaw is positioned buy propecia tablets to meet and exceed those needs in many ways. Convenient locations. More than 1,050 grocery buy propecia tablets stores that span the value spectrum from discount to specialty.

Full-service pharmacies at nearly 1,400 Shoppers Drug Mart® and Pharmaprix® locations and close to 500 Loblaw locations. PC Financial® services buy propecia tablets. Affordable Joe Fresh® fashion and family apparel.

And three buy propecia tablets of Canada's top-consumer brands in Life Brand, no name® and President's Choice. For more information, visit Loblaw's website at Inquiries Karen SchmidtDirector, Corporate/Internal CommunicationsCanada Health Infoway(416) 886-4967 Email UsFollow @InfowayCatherine ThomasSenior Director, External CommunicationLoblaw Companies Limited This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Inquiries about PrescribeIT®.

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Vancouver, B.C is propecia safe long term have a peek at this website. And Toronto, ON., December 11, 2020 - WELL Health is propecia safe long term Technologies Corp. (TSX.V. WELL) (the “Company” or “WELL”), a company focused on consolidating and modernizing clinical and is propecia safe long term digital assets within the primary health care sector, is pleased to announce it has partnered with Canada Health Infoway (“Infoway”) to integrate Infoway’s national e-prescribing service, PrescribeIT®, with WELL’s OSCAR Pro Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software.

Physicians and health care practitioners using OSCAR Pro are now able to easily create, renew and cancel prescriptions electronically, while improving overall patient care through secure clinician messaging. WELL is offering an end-to-end solution from virtual and is propecia safe long term on-site patient consultation to electronic prescription, resulting in a better physician and patient experience. By partnering with PrescribeIT®, health care practitioners, pharmacists and patients can have confidence that the solution ensures patient privacy and security of information. €œWe are very excited to launch our e-prescribing service with Infoway’s PrescribeIT®,” said Hamed Shahbazi, Chairman and CEO of WELL is propecia safe long term.

€œElectronic prescriptions will be a key for making virtual visits more efficient and effective, and this integration with the WELL EMR network can help create a better patient experience. I am very proud of our WELL EMR Group who has worked tirelessly to successfully achieve conformance approval from is propecia safe long term Infoway and our WELL Digital Health Apps team who have made the service available through the marketplace.”PrescribeIT® enhances clinical communications, e-renewals, privacy and security. Prescriptions can now be sent directly from within OSCAR Pro EMR in a secure electronic format to the patient's pharmacy of choice and pharmacies can electronically request prescription renewals from the patient's health care provider. Electronic prescriptions are key for virtual visits as the patient does not have to rely on faxing prescriptions to is propecia safe long term pharmacies.

Furthermore, patient safety is increased due to prevention of data entry errors at the pharmacy and prescription fraud is decreased through direct transmission of the prescription from the prescriber to the pharmacy through the PrescribeIT® service.“We are excited about this partnership with WELL to make PrescribeIT® available to prescribers who use the OSCAR Pro EMR software,” said Jamie Bruce, Executive Vice President, Infoway. €œPrescribeIT® makes prescribing is propecia safe long term safer, more secure, easier and more convenient. PrescribeIT® is also an increasingly important tool in the prescriber’s virtual care toolbox.”WELL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES CORP.Per. “Hamed Shahbazi” Hamed ShahbaziChief Executive Officer, Chairman and DirectorAbout WELLWELL is an omni-channel digital health company whose overarching objective is to empower doctors to provide the is propecia safe long term best and most advanced care possible while leveraging the latest trends in digital health.

As such, WELL owns and operates 25 primary health care clinics, is Canada's third largest digital Electronic Medical Records (EMR) supplier serving over 2,000 medical clinics, operates a leading national telehealth service and is a provider of digital health, billing and cybersecurity related technology solutions. WELL is an acquisitive is propecia safe long term company that follows a disciplined and accretive capital allocation strategy. WELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "WELL" and the Company was recognized as a TSX Venture 50 Company three years in a row in 2018, 2019 and 2020. To access the Company's telehealth service, is propecia safe long term visit. or is propecia safe long term and for corporate information, visit. Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our is propecia safe long term investments, we help deliver better quality and access to care and more efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians. Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government.

Visit PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway is working with Health Canada, is propecia safe long term the provinces and territories, and industry stakeholders to develop, operate and maintain the national e-prescribing service known as PrescribeIT®. PrescribeIT® will serve all Canadians, pharmacies and prescribers and provide safer and more effective medication management by enabling prescribers to transmit a prescription electronically between a prescriber’s electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS) of a patient’s pharmacy of choice. PrescribeIT® will protect Canadians’ personal health information from being is propecia safe long term sold or used for commercial activities. Visit StatementsThis news release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including, without limitation statements regarding.

Improvement to overall patient care through clinical messaging is propecia safe long term. And the belief that the launch will ensure patient privacy and security of information. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive is propecia safe long term uncertainties, and contingencies. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “may”, “should”, “will”, “could”, “intend”, “estimate”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “expect”, “believe” or “continue”, or the negative thereof or similar variations.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors is propecia safe long term that may cause future results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements and the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. WELL’s statements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and conditions, many of which are outside of WELL 's control, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Forward-looking statements is propecia safe long term are qualified in their entirety by inherent risks and uncertainties, including. Risks related to privacy and cyber security concerns.

Risks related is propecia safe long term to compatibility between the two platforms and solutions. And error free adoption, use and growth of the service is propecia safe long term. Except as required by securities law, WELL does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, events or otherwise.Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.-30-For further information:Pardeep S. SanghaVP Corporate Strategy is propecia safe long term and Investor RelationsWELL Health Technologies Corp.604.572.6392This email address is being protected from spambots.

You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Inquiries about PrescribeIT® Tania EnsorSenior Director, Marketing, Stakeholder Relations and Reputation Management, PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway416.707.6285Email UsFollow @PrescribeIT_CANew survey insights released to mark Digital Health Week 2020November 16, 2020 (Toronto) — Canadians and health care providers have met the unprecedented challenge of the hair loss treatment propecia head-on by embracing change in the way health care is delivered — from in-person to virtual. This week is Digital Health Week and to mark the occasion Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) is sharing research conducted in partnership with Environics that digs into this substantial shift and what Canadians want for their is propecia safe long term digital health future. This latest research project, A Healthy Dialogue, is one of the largest public consultations about digital health ever conducted in Canada. The consultation reached more than 58,000 Canadians — including those underserved by the health system — who shared how they thought technology is propecia safe long term would impact their care experience.The research reveals[i]:An overwhelming majority (92%) of Canadians want technology that makes health care as convenient as other aspects of their lives.More than half (53%) of Canadians who have used health technology in the past year say it helped them avoid an in-person visit to a provider or an emergency room.Of those Canadians who received virtual care during the propecia, 91% were satisfied with the experience, 86% agreed that virtual care tools can be important alternatives to seeing doctors in-person, and more than three-quarters (76%) are willing to use virtual care after the propecia.“We’ve gone from talking about ways to further integrate digital health into everyday health care to living it.

The events of the past year have accelerated our digital health progress significantly and have proven to Canadians just how important and helpful digital health can be,” says Michael Green, President and CEO of Infoway. €œDigital Health Week is an important time to celebrate our progress and acknowledge the hard work of all those who have made it possible.”While technology can help reduce barriers and improve access to health care, is propecia safe long term the research also found that nearly six in 10 Canadians feel they don’t know enough about digital health apps and services. As Canada’s digital health agency, Infoway is committed to working with its partners to address these gaps through activities like Digital Health Week.About Infoway’s Commitment to ResearchA Healthy Dialogue is part of Infoway’s commitment to contributing to digital health research in Canada. To support health care organizations, clinicians, policy maker and patients, families and caregivers, Infoway conducts research into the is propecia safe long term value of digital health solutions as well as clinicians’ and Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions.

To learn more about the results from A Healthy Dialogue, please visit To learn about Infoway’s other research initiatives, please visit Digital Health Week — #ThinkDigitalHealthDigital Health Week was created to celebrate how digital health is transforming care across the country and to increase awareness about the value and benefits of is propecia safe long term digital health for all Canadians. Digital Health Week is supported by 60+ organizations. Join the conversation is propecia safe long term and share your story.

#ThinkDigitalHealth.About Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our investments, we is propecia safe long term help deliver better quality and access to care and more efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians. Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government. Visit[i] A is propecia safe long term national survey of about 6,900 Canadians was conducted from December 2019-February 2020, pre-hair loss treatment.

A follow-up survey was conducted in June 2020 with about 2,200 of the original 6,900, to see if their views had shifted since the propecia began.-30-Media Inquiries.

Vancouver, B.C buy propecia tablets his response. And Toronto, ON., December 11, 2020 - buy propecia tablets WELL Health Technologies Corp. (TSX.V.

WELL) (the “Company” or “WELL”), a company focused on consolidating and modernizing clinical and digital buy propecia tablets assets within the primary health care sector, is pleased to announce it has partnered with Canada Health Infoway (“Infoway”) to integrate Infoway’s national e-prescribing service, PrescribeIT®, with WELL’s OSCAR Pro Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software. Physicians and health care practitioners using OSCAR Pro are now able to easily create, renew and cancel prescriptions electronically, while improving overall patient care through secure clinician messaging. WELL is offering an end-to-end solution from virtual and on-site buy propecia tablets patient consultation to electronic prescription, resulting in a better physician and patient experience.

By partnering with PrescribeIT®, health care practitioners, pharmacists and patients can have confidence that the solution ensures patient privacy and security of information. €œWe are very excited to launch our e-prescribing service with Infoway’s PrescribeIT®,” said Hamed Shahbazi, Chairman and CEO of WELL buy propecia tablets. €œElectronic prescriptions will be a key for making virtual visits more efficient and effective, and this integration with the WELL EMR network can help create a better patient experience.

I am very proud of our WELL EMR Group who has worked tirelessly to successfully achieve conformance approval from Infoway and our WELL Digital Health Apps team who have made the service available through the buy propecia tablets marketplace.”PrescribeIT® enhances clinical communications, e-renewals, privacy and security. Prescriptions can now be sent directly from within OSCAR Pro EMR in a secure electronic format to the patient's pharmacy of choice and pharmacies can electronically request prescription renewals from the patient's health care provider. Electronic prescriptions are key for virtual visits as the buy propecia tablets patient does not have to rely on faxing prescriptions to pharmacies.

Furthermore, patient safety is increased due to prevention of data entry errors at the pharmacy and prescription fraud is decreased through direct transmission of the prescription from the prescriber to the pharmacy through the PrescribeIT® service.“We are excited about this partnership with WELL to make PrescribeIT® available to prescribers who use the OSCAR Pro EMR software,” said Jamie Bruce, Executive Vice President, Infoway. €œPrescribeIT® makes prescribing buy propecia tablets safer, more secure, easier and more convenient. PrescribeIT® is also an increasingly important tool in the prescriber’s virtual care toolbox.”WELL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES CORP.Per.

“Hamed Shahbazi” Hamed ShahbaziChief Executive Officer, Chairman and DirectorAbout WELLWELL is an omni-channel digital health company whose overarching objective is to empower doctors to provide the best and most advanced care possible while leveraging the latest trends in buy propecia tablets digital health. As such, WELL owns and operates 25 primary health care clinics, is Canada's third largest digital Electronic Medical Records (EMR) supplier serving over 2,000 medical clinics, operates a leading national telehealth service and is a provider of digital health, billing and cybersecurity related technology solutions. WELL is an acquisitive company that follows a disciplined buy propecia tablets and accretive capital allocation strategy.

WELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "WELL" and the Company was recognized as a TSX Venture 50 Company three years in a row in 2018, 2019 and 2020. To access the buy propecia tablets Company's telehealth service, visit. or and for corporate information, visit buy propecia tablets. Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our buy propecia tablets investments, we help deliver better quality and access to care and more efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians. Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government.

Visit PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway is working with Health Canada, the provinces and territories, and industry buy propecia tablets stakeholders to develop, operate and maintain the national e-prescribing service known as PrescribeIT®. PrescribeIT® will serve all Canadians, pharmacies and prescribers and provide safer and more effective medication management by enabling prescribers to transmit a prescription electronically between a prescriber’s electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS) of a patient’s pharmacy of choice. PrescribeIT® will protect Canadians’ personal buy propecia tablets health information from being sold or used for commercial activities.

Visit StatementsThis news release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including, without limitation statements regarding. Improvement to overall patient buy propecia tablets care through clinical messaging. And the belief that the launch will ensure patient privacy and security of information.

Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are buy propecia tablets inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, and contingencies. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “may”, “should”, “will”, “could”, “intend”, “estimate”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “expect”, “believe” or “continue”, or the negative thereof or similar variations. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties buy propecia tablets and other factors that may cause future results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements and the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance.

WELL’s statements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and conditions, many of which are outside of WELL 's control, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety buy propecia tablets by inherent risks and uncertainties, including. Risks related to privacy and cyber security concerns.

Risks related to buy propecia tablets compatibility between the two platforms and solutions. And error free buy propecia tablets adoption, use and growth of the service. Except as required by securities law, WELL does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, events or otherwise.Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.-30-For further information:Pardeep S.

SanghaVP Corporate Strategy and Investor RelationsWELL Health Technologies Corp.604.572.6392This email address is being buy propecia tablets protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Inquiries about PrescribeIT® Tania EnsorSenior Director, Marketing, Stakeholder Relations and Reputation Management, PrescribeIT®Canada Health Infoway416.707.6285Email UsFollow @PrescribeIT_CANew survey insights released to mark Digital Health Week 2020November 16, 2020 (Toronto) — Canadians and health care providers have met the unprecedented challenge of the hair loss treatment propecia head-on by embracing change in the way health care is delivered — from in-person to virtual. This week is Digital Health Week and to mark the occasion Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) is sharing research conducted in partnership with Environics that digs into this substantial shift and what Canadians want for their digital health buy propecia tablets future.

This latest research project, A Healthy Dialogue, is one of the largest public consultations about digital health ever conducted in Canada. The consultation reached more than 58,000 Canadians — including those underserved by the health system — who shared how they thought technology would impact their care experience.The research reveals[i]:An overwhelming majority (92%) of Canadians want technology that makes health care as convenient as other aspects of their lives.More than half (53%) of Canadians who have used health technology in the past year say it helped buy propecia tablets them avoid an in-person visit to a provider or an emergency room.Of those Canadians who received virtual care during the propecia, 91% were satisfied with the experience, 86% agreed that virtual care tools can be important alternatives to seeing doctors in-person, and more than three-quarters (76%) are willing to use virtual care after the propecia.“We’ve gone from talking about ways to further integrate digital health into everyday health care to living it. The events of the past year have accelerated our digital health progress significantly and have proven to Canadians just how important and helpful digital health can be,” says Michael Green, President and CEO of Infoway.

€œDigital Health Week is an important time to celebrate our progress and acknowledge the hard work of all those who have made it possible.”While technology can help reduce barriers and improve access to health care, the research also found that nearly six in 10 buy propecia tablets Canadians feel they don’t know enough about digital health apps and services. As Canada’s digital health agency, Infoway is committed to working with its partners to address these gaps through activities like Digital Health Week.About Infoway’s Commitment to ResearchA Healthy Dialogue is part of Infoway’s commitment to contributing to digital health research in Canada. To support health care organizations, clinicians, policy maker and patients, families and caregivers, Infoway conducts research into the value of digital health solutions as well as clinicians’ buy propecia tablets and Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions.

To learn more about the results from A Healthy Dialogue, please visit To learn about Infoway’s other research initiatives, please visit buy propecia tablets Digital Health Week — #ThinkDigitalHealthDigital Health Week was created to celebrate how digital health is transforming care across the country and to increase awareness about the value and benefits of digital health for all Canadians. Digital Health Week is supported by 60+ organizations.

Join the conversation and share buy propecia tablets your story. #ThinkDigitalHealth.About Canada Health InfowayInfoway helps to improve the health of Canadians by working with partners to accelerate the development, adoption and effective use of digital health across Canada. Through our investments, we help deliver better quality and access to buy propecia tablets care and more efficient delivery of health services for patients and clinicians.

Infoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government. Visit[i] A national survey of buy propecia tablets about 6,900 Canadians was conducted from December 2019-February 2020, pre-hair loss treatment. A follow-up survey was conducted in June 2020 with about 2,200 of the original 6,900, to see if their views had shifted since the propecia began.-30-Media Inquiries.

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